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How To Market A Small Business On A Budget
December 23, 2023

To market a small business on a budget, you can consider the following strategies:

  1. Create a Google My Business account: This is especially effective for local businesses.
  2. Utilize social media marketing: It is a cost-effective way to engage customers and build relationships.
  3. Participate in fairs, special events, or shows: This can help increase your business's visibility within the community.
  4. Offer coupons and run competitions: These can attract new customers and retain existing ones.
  5. Develop a referral program: Encouraging satisfied customers to refer their friends can be a powerful and low-cost marketing strategy.
  6. Start a podcast: This can be a cost-effective way to showcase your knowledge and humanize your brand.

These strategies can help you market your small business effectively while staying within a limited budget.

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